Sunday, January 9, 2011

Oh...the possibilities...What are your thoughts?

So whether you agree or not, I have decided to assume that our surgery is a big fat failure. It is SO much easier this way. Now I can work through that will happen next. Jack Taylor and I had a long wonderful talk tonight. What if it didn't work? Well...we will definitely be going through with IVF. wow. that is scary and exciting and scary all over again. We would REALLY like to go through with it in June for many reasons....1. June gives me time to deal with the rough reality of IVF. 2. If IVF were to work, I could spend my first trimester puking into my own toilet versus the toilet at Elzie Patton Elementary. 3. If ivf were to work, I would be due in March and I would get extra time at home. I could have FIVE MONTHS to stay at home and decide if that is what I want to do with the next few years of my life. So there is the plan...but how do we get there. We have worked SO hard to pay down our debt, and we are putting that on hold to save for ivf. We could definitely have almost enough by June...Here is the dilemma...I am a COMPLETELY independent person. I always have been. I have NEVER asked my parents for one penny since the day I moved out. Jack Taylor has never asked his parents for anything since we moved out. If our parents would help us just a little, we would be able to meet our goal. I am just not sure how I feel about our parents helping us pay for the conception of our child or children. I don't know...why is this journey so hard and complicated? What do we do? Should we wait a couple more months to save that money? If we did, I would be giving up extra time at home to decide if I was going to be a stay at home Mom. What if it works and we have twins? I would DEFINITELY want extra time....What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog through a search for "owl bedding." It lead me to your post on the nursery bedding. I'm glad I found your blog. I too have spent over three years now TTC. Well, we aren't trying anymore. We have moved on to adoption. My age and finances were the major factor in that. We didn't want to go for IVF because of the low percentage of it working. Anyway...I'm blabbing. I'm of the attitude now that whatever it takes to grow your family is what you have to do. If you need to accept money from your parents then do it. Nothing to feel bad about. It cots a LOT of money to do IVF. We actually accepted money from my mom for our adoption.

    Hope I don't seem to bossy. ha! Whatever you end up doing will be best for you! Can't wait to follow along on your journey.
