Monday, March 21, 2011

Adopted...for life...

So tomorrow at 4 pm, Jack Taylor and I will be going to meet with an adoption agency. Wow. It seems weird and real and exciting and scary and every other emotion you can even begin to think of...After having some reflection time from our latest doctors visit, we spent more hours in prayer and talking about what we feel God is leading us to.  Now I have said all along that Jack feels a strong pull toward adoption.  I have been the one dragging my feet - searching for any other way to make this happen for us - seeking, praying, begging God to just give me some audible assurance about our path.  I have come to learn some valuable lessons in the past 3 and a half years - but one in particular - God has given us the amazing gift of the holy spirit.  Sometimes we "feel" him  -  but not always.  He is evident in so many other avenues that are easy to miss.  As I have done my devotions in the past weeks and spoken to friends, and read books - one scripture seems to be recurring...

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27-

 so tomorrow we are taking a step - still unsure of what God has ahead.  It is VERY possible to go tomorrow and have a definite resounding NO as an answer - or it is equally as possible that we may go and begin the journey to meet the blessing that God has created just for us.  So what I am asking for is your prayers tonight and tomorrow.  Pray that God will give us clarity and assurance and peace in all of this.  Pray that if this journey is his will, then he will provide abundantly along the way.  Pray that we could be used by him in some way in all of this.  Pray for the orphans who don't have a Mom or Dad to tuck them in at night - who rock themselves to sleep with no one around to cuddle them and tell them that Jesus loves them.  And always ALWAYS remember how very blessed we are to have been adopted for life -
But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. Galatians 4:4-6


  1. I catch up with you every now and then, and want you to know that as a sister by best friend and, most importantly, as a sister through Christ I am praying for you. Your faith in the Lord during this experience is TRULY encouraging and inspiring.

  2. I love you guys sooo much. You are going to be fabulous parents. Any child would be blessed to get to belong to you. My prayers are that God opens a door and lets you know loud and clear!

  3. I just spent the evening reading your blog. Your words remind me of the heartache of five years of trying to have a baby and a miscarriage. But, hearing the hope in your voice is inspirational. You will find your path I'm sure. How do I know? I was reading while my two month old baby girl naps. God blessed us finally and he'll bless you, too.
